Lullaby of the Tempest, Sailing in Seattle Washington
by Shannon Williams
Lullaby of the Tempest, Sailing in Seattle Washington
Shannon Williams
Photograph - Photograph
Seattle, Washington is known for many things. When the sun is shining, it's a beautiful bustling city, the streets and shops alike filled with all sorts of people. But one thing Seattle is most famous for is the rain, the mist, the sprinkle, the shower. Do you even know how many different words they use to describe it? Seattle turns into the grayest city I've ever seen on those infamous days of downpours. Grey buildings, grey streets, grey signs, all made to match the grey sky. On this day in particular, I was taking a stroll along the waterfront before a Mariners game. I was walking along the boardwalks when I was surprised to see an agglomeration of sailboats sailing along the water right after a storm had just blown through. I guess if you live in Seattle long enough, you find ways to enjoy the outside, even during the drizzles.
May 29th, 2020
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Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic art has been featured on the Home Page of the ABC GROUP from the K IS FOR KAYAKS, CANOES AND SAILBOATS , AUGUST 17- AUGUST 24, 2020 You are invited to add your wonderful art to the Features Archive Discussion in the ABC GROUP!