Freedom to Dream
by Shannon Williams
Freedom to Dream
Shannon Williams
Photograph - Photograph
This photograph perfectly captures what RV life means to me. It means adventure, travel, new friends, new experiences, and ultimately: freedom. Freedom from the mundane, freedom to explore, to create, to dream. Freedom to take this life day by day, to wake up in the morning and ask myself "what do I want to do today? where do I want to go? what new wonders do I want to see?" Sometimes the road has different plans for me. It can be long, it can be dangerous, it can have what seems to be never ending speed bumps and potholes - both metaphorically and literally. But nights like the one pictured here, is what RV life is really all about. Camping at the Grand Canyon in Arizona, no city lights for miles, staying warm by the campfire, swapping adventure stories with newly made friends, and capturing this memory, forever, with my camera.
August 18th, 2020